Al-Fayed claims that the accident was in fact an assassination by British intelligence agencies, at the request of the Royal Family.

Unlike many conspiracy theories, though, this one had a billionaire promoting it: Mohamed Al-Fayed, the father of Dodi Al-Fayed, who was killed along with Diana. This was especially true of Princess Diana: Royalty die of old age, political intrigue or eating too much rich food they don't get killed by a common drunk driver. Kennedy, the idea that such a beloved and high-profile figure could be killed so suddenly was a shock.

As was the case with the death of John F. 31, 1997, in a Paris highway tunnel, conspiracy theories swirled. Within hours of Princess Diana's death on Aug. (Image credit: Tim Graham Photo Library via Getty Images) Our government is so efficient, knowledgeable and capable - so the reasoning goes - that it could not possibly have botched the job so badly in detecting the plot ahead of time or responding to the attacks. Other claims are refuted by simple logic: If a hijacked airplane did not crash into the Pentagon, as is often claimed, then where is Flight 77 and its passengers? In many conspiracy theories, bureaucratic incompetence is often mistaken for conspiracy. It is, in fact, quite possible for the columns holding up skyscrapers to fail catastrophically when exposed to fires burning on multiple floors.) ( A 2006 NOVA documentary debunked these claims. Many claim that because "jet fuel can't melt steel beams," the Twin Towers must have been brought down by controlled demolition from bombs planted before the planes hit. Some famous conspiracy theories rely on anti-Semetic tropes, such as the attacks being orchestrated by Israel. Conspiracy theorists have a variety of much more complex explanations for what happened at the World Trade Center and Pentagon that day, often involving insider knowledge by President George Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney and top Bush advisors. 11, 2001, were indeed the result of a conspiracy: a conspiracy of Osama bin Laden and a crew of mostly Saudi hijackers. The evidence is overwhelming that the terrorist attacks of Sept. (Image credit: HUM Images/Universal Images Group via Getty Images) An aerial view of the NYC Custom house and surrounding area after the 9/11 terrorist attacks.